Friday, June 26, 2009

Tag lagi...

Tag ini dr Mama Auni..
homework lagi ni mesti wat ye cikgu

Rules : Use Google image to find the answer to the questions below as rules. Choose images from the first page only and after that Tag 7 people.

wish :::: Keluarga Bahagia & Ceria Idaman setiap keluarga

city i was born ::: Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur

The city I was working ::kat mana tu ekk??? mesti tau kan...
sama tempat keje ngan mama auni

Place I'd like to travel ::teringin nk g sini bwk danial n hubby... leh enjoy...

A Favourite house ::wow suka sgt rumah mcm gini... mantap sekali.. ada class...

6) A Favourite Animal
mmg la comfirm xde coz i mmg x suke kepada 'PET'...
menggelikan.. apatah lagi ngan kucing.. eeiiii... bkn takut tapi i segan je.. hehehehe


  1. bgs2..wlupon ko lmbt wat homework tp ko berjaya..tahniah!hahahhaha

  2. i'm very busy la... tp x pe mana yg termampu akn ku buatkan
